
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Hopefully, I'll Use This Blog More Now

Well, so much for starting a blog about my weight loss struggles being the kick in the pants that I needed to actually get started on those struggles. >_< I think I found a kick that might just work, for real this time. I just signed up for my first Diet Bet. It's this really cool website that my friend Whitney told me about. Basically, you sign up for a "game", where the goal is to lose 4% of your weight in 28 days (or 10% in 6 months, but hell naw I ain't trying that one yet). You put your money in the pot, and everybody who reaches the goal by the end of the time period wins their share of the pot. So if 20 people put each $10 in the pot, but only 3 people actually lost the 4% they were supposed to, those 3 people would split the pot evenly three ways. How awesome is that? Anyway, I joined this interesting sounding one called Fitness Warriors 18. I just paid my ten bucks (that's only the minimum for the site, but I'm too afraid to pay much more just yet), and submitted my photos (they use them to make sure that it's you, and that you actually weigh what you said you weighed, so as to keep the cheaters somewhat at bay). This should be interesting. I'm hoping that the fear of losing ten bucks is enough of a motivation to get my arse up off the couch and actually exercise. If it's not, well fuck, I just lost ten bucks. Here's hoping greed beats out laziness this time. Because I do not need to be losing ten bucks.

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