
Sunday, March 13, 2016

Planning Stuff

I have a new plan, methinks. Or at least a continuation of the original. I think after I've lost most of the weight, I'd like to get into a bit of strength training, see if I can build up a tiny bit of muscle. I've never really had muscles before (that weren't weak and covered in fat, at least), and thought that it might be nice. It'd make the Deadpool cosplay I'm planning on making look better, as well. Is it bad that one of the reasons I'm trying to lose weight is a cosplay? Mind you, I want to lose weight for a messload of other reasons, the main one being my self esteem, but that Deadpool cosplay is definitely among them. *shrugs* If it gets me to exercise and lose weight safely, it can't be that bad, right? And if I lose weight and get toned, Deadpool isn't the only character I've been dying to cosplay as for a damn long time. Hello Meroko cosplay!

For those not in the geeky know, this is Deadpool:

And this is Meroko (from the manga/anime Full Moon o Sagashite):